Saturday, December 20, 2008
It's about 6:30 pm and I'm sitting in the Rail Control Center for NYC Transit. It's a fascinating and impressive place, with a lot of stuff going on... unfortunately I'm sitting here waiting for a snowstorm that seems intent on taking its time. I had to do a double yesterday so I didn't get off 'til 3:00 am, didn't get home 'til 5:47am, didn't hit the sack 'til 6:00am. Got here at 2:00pm and have to stay until 10:00pm... so I'm kinda sleepy. Why is this a problem? Well, I'm supposed to stay alert in case of any emergencies, and I tried working on a couple of my short stories but I kept dozing off. Ah well, what can you do? I finally get some time I can use to work on some of my writing and I'm too sleepy to focus!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Reflection of Me anthology...
One of my short stories, The Toll, has been included in an anthology published by AAMBC Publishing. It's a decent story, kind of a Sci-Fi/Fantasy hybrid. I enjoyed writing it and I hope readers will enjoy reading it. I encourage all who enjoy African-American/Minority literature to purchase a copy of this anthology and give it a looking over, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Arnold Wolf,
short stories,
Tamika Newhouse
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Well, it's raining out. It's a good day to watch a movie, curl up with a good book, or catch up with a writing project. It's also a good day to just stare out of the window and think about things.
Well, it's raining out. It's a good day to watch a movie, curl up with a good book, or catch up with a writing project. It's also a good day to just stare out of the window and think about things.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Thin Man...
Yes, the title of this particluar post is, The Thin Man.... and no it doesn't refer to the great mystery series that featured the erudite if perpetually inebriated Nick and Nora... it also doesn't refer to the fact that I have recently shed more than 20 pounds... unfortunately it refers to the fact that I think I may have spread myself a little thin in my quest for gaining more readers for my novel. What I mean is that since the publication of my novel, I have joined a myriad of literary websites, joined clubs, associations, blogs, organizations, fellows, etc. Now I find that in trying to keep up with all of those things, I actually wind up failing them all to one degree or another. Not only that, but I find that I spend so much time at those tasks that I haven't spent near enough time at my actual writing. Anyway, even with the knowledge that marketing is extremely important, I find that I must pull back somewhat if I am to ever finish (or even start) some of the other projects that I want to sink my teeth into. Do other authors exeperience this feeling of being pulled in multiple directions at once like a soft, malleable piece of taffy? Um-m-m, taffy, yum-yum. Do you feel guilt when you leave the marketing of your current project in order to work on your next one? Alas, until next time.... ciao.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Radio Interview that Never Happened
Well, the radio interview never happened. But I did receive an email from the host of the radio show explaining what went wrong. Below is that email:
Good Afternoon Arnold,
I hope and pray that all is well with you. I have no complaints. I would like to sincerely apologize to you for not being able to Interview you on the show. As my show says "Everybody Has Issues". On Tuesday morning my Computer Crashed and I was unable to do my show. I had to put it in the shop and did not get it out until Thursday evening. Because my show is Broadcast via the internet and all of my information is stored on my computer, I had no way of contacting you. I did however apologize to you on air, Thursday evening and Friday and at the same time promote your book. Please accept my sincerest apology and I would love to reschedule you on the show again soon, to discuss your Book. My fans would love to hear from you. Again, this was beyond my control and I apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused. I will check the schedule and see when we can have you on the show as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding. Until my keyboard clicks on again - Peace!
THE b.r.burns SHOW"
Everybody Has Issues!"
Good Afternoon Arnold,
I hope and pray that all is well with you. I have no complaints. I would like to sincerely apologize to you for not being able to Interview you on the show. As my show says "Everybody Has Issues". On Tuesday morning my Computer Crashed and I was unable to do my show. I had to put it in the shop and did not get it out until Thursday evening. Because my show is Broadcast via the internet and all of my information is stored on my computer, I had no way of contacting you. I did however apologize to you on air, Thursday evening and Friday and at the same time promote your book. Please accept my sincerest apology and I would love to reschedule you on the show again soon, to discuss your Book. My fans would love to hear from you. Again, this was beyond my control and I apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused. I will check the schedule and see when we can have you on the show as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding. Until my keyboard clicks on again - Peace!
THE b.r.burns SHOW"
Everybody Has Issues!"
Friday, May 30, 2008
Radio Interview a BUST!!!
Hi all,
Well, I was all ready for the radio interview... What radio interview you ask? Well I was contacted by a representative of the b.r. burns blogtalkradio show and asked to be a guest on May 28th. I accepted of course! I then did all the things that I was asked to do by the represetatives of the b.r. burns show... I sent them my bio, I emailed and told all of my friends, family, and associates to tune in, I even bought a new telephone because my old one is a cordless model and can sometimes be unreliable. I psyched myself up, did some additional research on the topic, and I even rehearsed a little... I mean I was ready!
The time came for the show to begin, the website counted down to the start of the show, then a message came on at the time the show was supposed to start, reading, "Waiting for Host to call in." That message stayed on for the entire one and a half hours that the show was supposed to air until it finally just went off. No interview. No explanation. No email (even though I emailed them and politely asked what happened), no nothing. So... so much for that. I'll just keep on promoting my novel in whatever venues possible and keep on keeping on. I'd still like to know what happened though... 

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
On The Shelves...
Okay, okay... this may not seem like such a big deal to you, but to me it was BIG! What was it? Well, a lot of people that say they are interested in my novel complained that they could't find it in any of the bookstores. When I asked different bookstores why, I received a lot of different reasons why not... most of the reasons boiled down to stocking choices being made between my novel, and novels by names like Stephen King and John Grisham. Uh, guess who won?
Anyway, I was checking out Barnes & Noble online when I saw that the store on 86th Street and Lexington Ave in Manhattan says that it has copies of my novel IN STOCK!!! That is so-o cool! I wanted to go see for myself today, but didn't get the chance. You better believe however that I will find my way to that bookstore, along with my trusty digital camera, and I will take a loving photo of my novel on the shelf. Wow.
Anyway, I was checking out Barnes & Noble online when I saw that the store on 86th Street and Lexington Ave in Manhattan says that it has copies of my novel IN STOCK!!! That is so-o cool! I wanted to go see for myself today, but didn't get the chance. You better believe however that I will find my way to that bookstore, along with my trusty digital camera, and I will take a loving photo of my novel on the shelf. Wow.
Friday, May 9, 2008
What's been going on since...whew, February!
If anyone is actually reading this thing, I offer you all my humblest and most sincere apologies. I haven't written anything on this blog since February, so now I shall endeavor to try and catch up on things as they currently pertain to my novel, Chickenhawk.
Chickenhawk seems to be selling briskly, I ran into an old friend recently that admitted to buying TEN copies of my novels and distributing them amongst her family members! She has my eternal gratitude to be sure and yet... I know plenty of friends and relatives have been buying my novel, but I'm concerned as to whether or not complete strangers are. I really, really wonder whether there are people out there that don't know me, but are interested enough in the novel to actually purchase one. I have been doing a lot of marketing, but most of it has been pretty much low-level stuff like flyers, postcards, business cards, etc., and I've sent out press releases, and some other things... but are my efforts working? Are all those little things bearing any fruit as far as the general public is concerned? I just don't know and it's driving me kind of batty...
Some positive things have come about because of my efforts however... I was profiled by the Queens Tribune, a local newspaper. The reporter, Sasha Austrie said some pretty positive things about me and the novel. Here's a brief excerpt: "The novel is wonderfully vulgar, lending character and authenticity to the story. The book opens up with a dastardly, gritty scene. The scene, written in explicit detail, grabs the reader from onset."
I also received a Five-Star review from Apex Reviews (see below):
Welcome to the Apex Book Review of Arnold Wolf's "Chickenhawk."
Chickenhawk by Arnold Wolf
ISBN: 9781424174911
Reviewed By Sylvia Griffin
Official Apex Reviews Rating: Five Stars
"Catching an unsuspecting Manhattan off guard, a series of gruesome killings begins drawing increased attention from both the authorities and the media. The reason: each victim is a young male Hispanic prostitute, who, prior to having his head blown off, is forced to perform fellatio, then simulate the same act on the instrument of his ultimate doom.
Relying on their seasoned savvy and extensive underground contacts, Detectives Eddie Ramos and Tommy Cucitti work around the clock in order to track the killer down and prevent more bloodshed. As the killer’s body count grows higher and higher, though, the detectives begin to feel increased heat from all angles – especially considering the fact that it’s an election year and the mayor’s job is in jeopardy.
The case finally breaks, though, as clues begin to point toward the most unlikely of suspects: a prominent, happily married syndicated columnist – who also happens to be a father of two and considered to be one of the leading authorities on morality and conservative values. What possible connection could he have to the deaths of young male prostitutes? Is it possible that he is somehow linked to what the media has begun to call the infamous “Chickenhawk” killer?
Finding out the answer to that question takes the reader on an engrossingly entertaining thrill ride in Chickenhawk. In this impressive tome, Arnold Wolf does a masterful job of intertwining mystery, suspense, and drama, resulting in a riveting script that, despite its 390 pages, reads incredibly fast and seems to end much too quickly. His genre-bending instant classic is teeming with the perfect assortment of witty, engaging characters, heartbreaking tragedy, and all-too familiar situations literally ripped from the pages of everyday life. With a jaundiced, pragmatic eye, Wolf combines such various elements with seamless precision, and with the refined skill of a true master he redefines the concept of a cliffhanger.
Like any John Grisham or Stephen King novel, the reader will finish Chickenhawk with the fervent hope that a suitable movie version is quickly forthcoming; however, as flawless as the book proves itself to be, he/she is sure to realize – with bittersweet reservation – that such a feat would be nearly impossible to achieve."
I was also interviewed on Tamara Grants author blogsite. You can check out the interview at:
Also, I'm going to be interviewed on a radio show! The following is more information about that:
Dear Arnold Wolf, I hope and pray that all is well with you. I have no complaints. I am celebrating Authors during the month of May. I would like for you to be a guest on my Show, so we can talk about you, and your book and how you're making things happen!!!. The topic of the show is: DOWN WRITE GRITTY!: "Up From The Subway Of New York City - Comes Chickenhawk!" Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 7:30 pm CT.
I would love to share your Story with my fan base. I would like to discuss your beginnings and any upcoming projects or events. Of course you can promote your book and your website and any engagements that you may have, on the show. Please confirm as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Until my keyboard clicks on again - Peace!Appreciatively, THE b.r.burns SHOW"Everybody Has Issues!" LOG ON AND LISTEN LIVE!
"If It Ain't One Thang - It's Anotha'!"
So some good things have come about due to my marketing efforts, which admittedly, aren't enough. So it's back to the drawing board... nose to the grindstone... and all that kind of thing until I make things happen. I'll be writing soon (I hope!)
Chickenhawk seems to be selling briskly, I ran into an old friend recently that admitted to buying TEN copies of my novels and distributing them amongst her family members! She has my eternal gratitude to be sure and yet... I know plenty of friends and relatives have been buying my novel, but I'm concerned as to whether or not complete strangers are. I really, really wonder whether there are people out there that don't know me, but are interested enough in the novel to actually purchase one. I have been doing a lot of marketing, but most of it has been pretty much low-level stuff like flyers, postcards, business cards, etc., and I've sent out press releases, and some other things... but are my efforts working? Are all those little things bearing any fruit as far as the general public is concerned? I just don't know and it's driving me kind of batty...
Some positive things have come about because of my efforts however... I was profiled by the Queens Tribune, a local newspaper. The reporter, Sasha Austrie said some pretty positive things about me and the novel. Here's a brief excerpt: "The novel is wonderfully vulgar, lending character and authenticity to the story. The book opens up with a dastardly, gritty scene. The scene, written in explicit detail, grabs the reader from onset."
I also received a Five-Star review from Apex Reviews (see below):
Welcome to the Apex Book Review of Arnold Wolf's "Chickenhawk."
Chickenhawk by Arnold Wolf
ISBN: 9781424174911
Reviewed By Sylvia Griffin
Official Apex Reviews Rating: Five Stars
"Catching an unsuspecting Manhattan off guard, a series of gruesome killings begins drawing increased attention from both the authorities and the media. The reason: each victim is a young male Hispanic prostitute, who, prior to having his head blown off, is forced to perform fellatio, then simulate the same act on the instrument of his ultimate doom.
Relying on their seasoned savvy and extensive underground contacts, Detectives Eddie Ramos and Tommy Cucitti work around the clock in order to track the killer down and prevent more bloodshed. As the killer’s body count grows higher and higher, though, the detectives begin to feel increased heat from all angles – especially considering the fact that it’s an election year and the mayor’s job is in jeopardy.
The case finally breaks, though, as clues begin to point toward the most unlikely of suspects: a prominent, happily married syndicated columnist – who also happens to be a father of two and considered to be one of the leading authorities on morality and conservative values. What possible connection could he have to the deaths of young male prostitutes? Is it possible that he is somehow linked to what the media has begun to call the infamous “Chickenhawk” killer?
Finding out the answer to that question takes the reader on an engrossingly entertaining thrill ride in Chickenhawk. In this impressive tome, Arnold Wolf does a masterful job of intertwining mystery, suspense, and drama, resulting in a riveting script that, despite its 390 pages, reads incredibly fast and seems to end much too quickly. His genre-bending instant classic is teeming with the perfect assortment of witty, engaging characters, heartbreaking tragedy, and all-too familiar situations literally ripped from the pages of everyday life. With a jaundiced, pragmatic eye, Wolf combines such various elements with seamless precision, and with the refined skill of a true master he redefines the concept of a cliffhanger.
Like any John Grisham or Stephen King novel, the reader will finish Chickenhawk with the fervent hope that a suitable movie version is quickly forthcoming; however, as flawless as the book proves itself to be, he/she is sure to realize – with bittersweet reservation – that such a feat would be nearly impossible to achieve."
I was also interviewed on Tamara Grants author blogsite. You can check out the interview at:
Also, I'm going to be interviewed on a radio show! The following is more information about that:
Dear Arnold Wolf, I hope and pray that all is well with you. I have no complaints. I am celebrating Authors during the month of May. I would like for you to be a guest on my Show, so we can talk about you, and your book and how you're making things happen!!!. The topic of the show is: DOWN WRITE GRITTY!: "Up From The Subway Of New York City - Comes Chickenhawk!" Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 7:30 pm CT.
I would love to share your Story with my fan base. I would like to discuss your beginnings and any upcoming projects or events. Of course you can promote your book and your website and any engagements that you may have, on the show. Please confirm as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Until my keyboard clicks on again - Peace!Appreciatively, THE b.r.burns SHOW"Everybody Has Issues!" LOG ON AND LISTEN LIVE!
"If It Ain't One Thang - It's Anotha'!"
So some good things have come about due to my marketing efforts, which admittedly, aren't enough. So it's back to the drawing board... nose to the grindstone... and all that kind of thing until I make things happen. I'll be writing soon (I hope!)
Monday, February 18, 2008
Limited Feedback
Well, some limited feedback has begun trickling in concerning my debut novel, Chickenhawk. Some of the information is good, some of the information is bad. Here's the gist:
The novel could have used some added editing and revising. I agree. Most of it is just little stuff like missing punctuation (mostly not my fault), but there are some mistakes which can be glaring, like some grammar (mostly my fault). There is a flashback sequence which should have been more clearly defined as a flashback in order to reduce any confusion. One person stated that she didn't believe the antagonist's motivation for muder (she obviously doesn't read the papers where people are killed every day for no reason at all), and a few other things but these were the main ones. The news is mostly good, especially where my characters are concerned. Most people find the characters believeable and 3-dimensional, most people are reacting to my characters and what they do as I hoped they would. All in all, it's all been pretty decent. So far...
The novel could have used some added editing and revising. I agree. Most of it is just little stuff like missing punctuation (mostly not my fault), but there are some mistakes which can be glaring, like some grammar (mostly my fault). There is a flashback sequence which should have been more clearly defined as a flashback in order to reduce any confusion. One person stated that she didn't believe the antagonist's motivation for muder (she obviously doesn't read the papers where people are killed every day for no reason at all), and a few other things but these were the main ones. The news is mostly good, especially where my characters are concerned. Most people find the characters believeable and 3-dimensional, most people are reacting to my characters and what they do as I hoped they would. All in all, it's all been pretty decent. So far...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
The book... at last!
My publishers sent me my free authors copies of my book... they're great. Or perhaps I should say it's great. My daughter, who at first didn't really want to read my novel because of its content, asked for one to read after she saw one and actually held it in her hands. She said out loud the same thing I was thinking, "Wow, it looks like a REAL book..." Yes, it does. It does look like a real book, at least to us. I am very proud, and I'm sure my parents are too. Now we wait and see how it sells.. or not. Like almost any writer, I am hoping that it seels well enough to propel me into the bestseller lists (at least one). Or maybe just well enough to garner it a mention from a reviewer (hopefully a positive one). Well, we'll see... meanwhile, I've got to get to work on the next one... ciao!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Now Available...

My novel is now available for sale on my publisher's web site. I always thought that at this moment I'd feel elation, excitement, and accomplishment... instead I find myself possessed of feelings more akin to dread. Now that the rubber is meeting the road, I wonder if it was all worth it. What will readers think of it? What will be the reactions of family, relatives, friends, associates, complete strangers? Will my words cause the controversy I'd hoped, or will they fall flat and leave everyone feeling as if they'd just wasted their time? Only time will tell...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Cover me, Scotty!
Today I received the first draft of my novel's cover design. It was so strange... I guess the fact that my novel is finally being published never really hit me until I actually saw that cover. It's mine. My name on the cover, partially my design, my photo on the back cover... it's me. Mine. Wow.
My publisher asked if I had any ideas concerning how the cover should look. I designed a cover and emailed it to them. The cover they sent back was very close to my design, so that makes it doubly special for me. I am sorely tempted to simply sit on my laurels, enjoy the ride, and see where this all goes... Yet, I know that the wisest course of action would be to continue working on my second novel, and eventually start on my third, etc. Keep going. Write. Create.
I'm working on marketing my novel as well, trying to generate interest. Working to keep it away from the bargain bin as long as possible. I am no salesman... I believe that most artists, writers, and the like, make lousy business people--the opposing sides of their brains war constantly for dominion--the creative side and the... other side. Rarely will a person achieve both, although many have through sore necessity become artists with some knowledge of business, contracts, marketing, and all those things that so many creative people find so-o-o-oo boring. Didn't YOU fail accounting 101?
The cover... so cool.
My publisher asked if I had any ideas concerning how the cover should look. I designed a cover and emailed it to them. The cover they sent back was very close to my design, so that makes it doubly special for me. I am sorely tempted to simply sit on my laurels, enjoy the ride, and see where this all goes... Yet, I know that the wisest course of action would be to continue working on my second novel, and eventually start on my third, etc. Keep going. Write. Create.
I'm working on marketing my novel as well, trying to generate interest. Working to keep it away from the bargain bin as long as possible. I am no salesman... I believe that most artists, writers, and the like, make lousy business people--the opposing sides of their brains war constantly for dominion--the creative side and the... other side. Rarely will a person achieve both, although many have through sore necessity become artists with some knowledge of business, contracts, marketing, and all those things that so many creative people find so-o-o-oo boring. Didn't YOU fail accounting 101?
The cover... so cool.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Well kiddies, it's finally happened... I am now a published author! My first novel Chickenhawk will hit the shelves starting next month with an initial printing of 8,000. Will it sell? Will it flop? Only the Gods can tell... What I am hoping however is that it will cause controversy, conversation, consternation... at the very least a squirming discomfort among at least some of my readers or reviewers. I mean, I hope they enjoy the read... it's just that I feel that crime writers, like horror writers, sometimes aim not just for the mind and heart, but for the viscera.
I started my novel over ten years ago when I was employed as a Token Booth Clerk with NYC Transit. I worked nights and the nocturnal activities of the young, male prostitutes caught my attention... no, not that way... I wondered why these tough-looking, urban youths were doing what they were doing, and their answers surprised and intrigued me. They looked and acted like any other of the young, thuggish males that populate the urban areas of cities all over country, yet they made their money by selling their bodies. I talked to them, between customers, and all of them, everyone, insisted they were not gay but committed acts of prostitution with other men mostly for partying money. This was one of the things that intrigued me... and so it is now part of my novel.
I'm not much of a talker, no doubt there will be those who will say that I am also not much of a writer, regardless, I will try to keep this blog current. Chickenhawk is my first novel, I am currently working on my second. This is also my first blog (like I said, I'm not the talkative type), so I ask that you bear with me. Thanks.
I started my novel over ten years ago when I was employed as a Token Booth Clerk with NYC Transit. I worked nights and the nocturnal activities of the young, male prostitutes caught my attention... no, not that way... I wondered why these tough-looking, urban youths were doing what they were doing, and their answers surprised and intrigued me. They looked and acted like any other of the young, thuggish males that populate the urban areas of cities all over country, yet they made their money by selling their bodies. I talked to them, between customers, and all of them, everyone, insisted they were not gay but committed acts of prostitution with other men mostly for partying money. This was one of the things that intrigued me... and so it is now part of my novel.
I'm not much of a talker, no doubt there will be those who will say that I am also not much of a writer, regardless, I will try to keep this blog current. Chickenhawk is my first novel, I am currently working on my second. This is also my first blog (like I said, I'm not the talkative type), so I ask that you bear with me. Thanks.
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