Well, I was all ready for the radio interview... What radio interview you ask? Well I was contacted by a representative of the b.r. burns blogtalkradio show and asked to be a guest on May 28th. I accepted of course! I then did all the things that I was asked to do by the represetatives of the b.r. burns show... I sent them my bio, I emailed and told all of my friends, family, and associates to tune in, I even bought a new telephone because my old one is a cordless model and can sometimes be unreliable. I psyched myself up, did some additional research on the topic, and I even rehearsed a little... I mean I was ready!
The time came for the show to begin, the website counted down to the start of the show, then a message came on at the time the show was supposed to start, reading, "Waiting for Host to call in." That message stayed on for the entire one and a half hours that the show was supposed to air until it finally just went off. No interview. No explanation. No email (even though I emailed them and politely asked what happened), no nothing. So... so much for that. I'll just keep on promoting my novel in whatever venues possible and keep on keeping on. I'd still like to know what happened though... 

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